The Crisis Leadership Approach (circa 2004)

I was rummaging through old file boxes this weekend and found a manuscript that I wrote in 2004 that I didn’t submit for publication — for reasons that now escape me. I’ve uploaded the unpublished manuscript to ResearchGate.

Here are my top 10 tips for organizations to develop and nuture a crisis leadership approach within their organizations (taken from this article).

Crisis Leadership Approach (circa 2004)

  1. Your senior management team has the vision and the leadership to anticipate crises within and outside your organization.
  2. Your team has identified the most-likely threats and challenges to your organization’s operations and you have written and tested effective response
  3. Your organization has a multi-disciplinary crisis management team established and ready to
  4. Your primary goal during a crisis is to attend to the immediate needs of the organization and your key stakeholders and resolving the crisis in the interests of your organization and the public.
  5. Your public relations staff/consultants have the necessary resources to manage a .. today.
  6. Your senior management team has delegated the authority to your crisis management team to make the critical organizational decisions during a
  7. You have identified your key stakeholders (employees, neighbors, shareholders, suppliers, customers) and have the means to communicate with them during a
  8. Your organization is committed to open, ethical and timely communication with the public during a
  9. You are part of a learning organization and have already put in place a ” lessons learned” process for your next
  10. You understand that effective crisis communication and management is a long-term commitment.

Interesting that I didn’t mention the words digital or social media as platforms such as FaceBook and Twitter either hadn’t been made public or invented in 2004.

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A researcher, a teacher, a mentor and a friend.

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